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Dr. Diane L. Krasner, Wound & Skin Care Consultant, is a board certified wound specialist with experience in wound, ostomy, and incontinence care across the continuum of care. She is a Wound & Skin Care Consultant

in York, PA and serves as an Expert Witness.  Dr. Krasner is a founding member of the Coalition for At-Risk

Skin (CARS) and currently serves as Senior Advisor and Executive Team Member.  She is a founding Board Member of the Post Acute Wound & Skin Integrity Council (PAWSIC) and currently serves as Interim Past President and Executive Committee Member.


Dr. Krasner is Board Certified in Wound Care (CWCN) by the WOCNCB. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (FAAWC), a Master of the American Professional Wound Care Association (MAPWCA) and a Fellow of the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society (WOCNF).

Diane Krasner Headshot 2 September 2024 High Res.png

Education and Fields of Study

Dr. Krasner graduated from The Johns Hopkins University with a B.A. and M.A. in Ancient Near Eastern History and Egyptology. Dr. Krasner

went on to receive her B.S.N., M.S., and Ph.D. from the University of Maryland School of Nursing. She earned a M.S. in Adult and Continuing

Education from Johns Hopkins School of Continuing Studies.

Fellowships & Honors

Dr. Krasner was a Johnson & Johnson Medical Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Nursing Research at Johns Hopkins University School

of Nursing.

On Saturday, May 11, 2019 Dr. Krasner presented the John Boswick Lectureship at the 32nd Annual Symposium on Advanced Wound Care

Spring in San Antonio with Cathy Milne and Kevin Woo and received the John Boswick Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in

Wound Healing, for "her achievements and tireless work, which have considerably advanced the field of wound care."  


On June 5, 2022, together with co-editor Paula Erwin Toth and Sally Gill Thompson, Dr. Krasner was awarded the Inaugural WCET

Norma N. Gill President Award at the WOCNext WOCN Joint Congress in Fort Worth, Texas, "in recognition of her efforts to preserve our

history through the Festschrift book."


On June 6, 2023 Dr. Krasner received the honor of becoming one of twelve inaugural fellows of the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society. 

The Inaugural 2023 WOCN Fellows Gala was held at the 2023 WOCNext Conference in Las Vegas.  WOCN President Dr. Dea Kent presented

the awards.




Dr. Krasner served as the lead co-editor of five editions of Chronic Wound Care: A Clinical Source Book for Healthcare Professionals (1991-2012,

HMP Communications, Malvern, PA). She is the sole editor of Chronic Wound Care: The Essentials (2014, HMP Communications, Malvern, PA). 


 Drs. Krasner and van Rijswijk are co-editors of the 2018 e-book edition of Chronic Wound Care: The Essentials E-Book (2018, HMP).   


 Together with Paula Erwin-Toth, Dr. Krasner edited two editions of the Norma N. Gill-Thompson Festschrift entitled Enterostomal Therapy

Nursing: Growth & Evolution of a Nursing Specialty Worldwide. A Commemorative Edition of the book was released by the WCET in the

Fall 2020 to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Norma Gill's birth.  See more details in the Latest Books Section of this website.


Dr. Krasner has published numerous articles in the wound care literature on a variety of topics related to wound, ostomy and incontinence.

Board, Council & Committee Service

Dr. Krasner has served on numerous editorial boards and currently is on the editorial board of WoundSource. Since 1992, Dr. Krasner has

served on the Board of Directors and as an Officer of several national wound care organizations. She is a founding Board Member of PAWSIC,

the Post Acute Wound & Skin Integrity Council ( and currently serves as Interim Past President and Executive Committee

Member.  Dr. Krasner is a founding member of the Coalition for At-Risk Skin (CARS) and currently serves as Treasurer and Executive

Team Member.  Dr. Krasner is a member of the NPIAP Alumni Council and is currently serving on the NPIAP Standards Mission Committee

and the Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Sub-Committee.  


Dr. Krasner currently serves on the Board of Directors of Bell Socialization Services, a not-for-profit in York, PA

and serves as Secretary and Executive Committee Member (

Fields of Interest

Dr. Krasner’s research interests include wound pain, palliative wound care, Safe NPWT,  Skin Changes At Life's End (SCALE) and legal issues.

She has numerous publications in the wound care literature and lectures nationally and internationally on wound & skin care.

To receive a complete CV and Publications List, contact Dr. Krasner at


             Contact Dr. Diane L. Krasner​

             for further information or permissions by email at

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