WCET Norma N. Gill President Award 2022
So honored to share the inaugural WCET Norma N. Gill President Award with co-editor Paula Erwin Toth and Sally Gill-Thompson. Here WCET President Dr. Elizabeth A. Ayello (center) presents awards to Paula (left) and me (right).
WOCNext WCET Joint Congress, Ft. Worth, Texas, June 5, 2022

Norma Gill Festschrift Book Signing

Book signing with co-editor Paula Erwin Toth at the WOCNext WCET Joint Congress in Fort Worth Texas, June 5, 2022. Many thanks to ConvaTec for providing copies of the Norma Gill Festschrift for attendees of the meeting! Paula's grandson Preston joins us, center.
Books Edited & Co-Edited by Dr. Krasner
Dr. Diane L. Krasner, Wound & Skin Care Consultant, is a nationally renowned wound and skin care specialist who has written extensively
on the subjects of chronic wound care, wound pain, and palliative wound care, including Skin Changes At Life’s End (SCALE).
Latest Books Edited by Dr. Krasner are:
The 2018 e-Book Edition of CWC:E
edited by
Diane L. Krasner & Lia van Rijswijk is available free to PAWSIC Members
and can be downloaded at the
at the Members Section of the PAWSIC website: www.pawsic.org
Chronic Wound Care – The Essentials
(Hardcover & Softcover available
available used on Amazon)​

Check out this Guest Editorial
in the February 2021 issue of Wound Management & Prevention . . .
Reflections on the Extraordinary Life of Norma N. Gill-Thompson, ET
Wound Management & Prevention, February 2021, 67(2), 6-7.
Here's the link:
Email: dianelkrasner@aol.com
Enterostomal Therapy Nursing:
Growth & Evolution of a Nursing Specialty Worldwide.
A Festschrift for Norma N. Gill-Thompson, ET.
Third Edition. 2020 Commemorative Edition.
Edited by Paula Erwin-Toth & Diane L. Krasner.
WA Australia: Cambridge Media,
on behalf of the
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists; 2020.

In November 2020, WCET® released a Commemorative
e-Book 3rd edition of the Festschrift, to mark the 100th anniversary of Norma’s birth. If you go to the WCET®
website (www.wcetn.org) and click on the WCET Online
Store Tab and then the Resources Tab, you can purchase and download the e-Book for 10 British pounds. Most importantly,
you will help the WCET® continue to achieve Norma’s vision
that all patients globally with ostomy, wound and continence
care needs would be cared for by nurses with specialized
education in these areas.